Israel denounces Iran deal

November 24, 2013 by element115
Isolated and angry with its ally the United States, Israel has bitterly denounced a 'bad' nuclear deal between world powers and Tehran while repeating its threat of military action against Iran.
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‘We reject illegal killings’: Germany suspends drone purchase

November 16, 2013 by element115
Berlin has suspended the purchase of armed drones on the grounds that it “categorically rejects illegal killings.” This follows a report by Amnesty International that accused Merkel’s government of aiding the US with drone strikes in Pakistan.
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CIA monitors Americans' financial activities

by element115
Citing “officials familiar with the programs,” the Wall Street Journal reported that the CIA and FBI collect financial information when international transactions are filed through numerous money-transfer companies, including MoneyGram and Western Union.

As with the National Security Agency’s surveillance efforts, the CIA’s actions are authorized under the 2001 Patriot Act and overseen by the same Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that has sanctioned the collection of millions of Americans’ phone records and digital data.
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TPP: The Biggest Threat to the Internet You've Probably Never Heard Of

by element115
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is being negotiated in secret between more than 12 countries around the Pacific region. Find out why it poses a huge threat to your digital freedoms.
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US, Israel locked in info war over Iran

by element115
Senior Israeli officials are storming the Capital Hill to feed false information to American lawmakers in an effort to discredit the White House' nuclear proposal to Iran, a report says.
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US Army robots will outnumber human soldiers 10 to 1 by 2023

by element115
...they will also make war even more horrible by taking away the human life loss component. If we can send platoons made of robots to war, people will not fear death in wars. There will be no dead bodies getting home in flag-covered coffins. Like aerial drones, this will inevitably trivialize wars.
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Any nuclear-offer ignoring Iran rights will fail: Zarif

by element115
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says any nuclear proposal that ignores the rights of Iranian people has no chance of success.
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Sabotaging the US-Iran Peace Negotiations

November 2, 2013 by element115
To understand what is at stake in the current peace negotiations one must envision the consequences of failure: Under Israeli pressure, the US announced that its ‘military option’ could be activated – resulting in missile strikes and a bombing campaign against 76 million Iranians in order to destroy their government and economy. Teheran could retaliate against such aggression by targeting US military bases in the region and Gulf oil installations resulting in a global crisis. This is what Israel wants.
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Germany, France, and Spain Want To Meet With Snowden About NSA Spying On Governments

by element115
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Panetta: US may have to use military force against Iran

by element115
The former US defense secretary and CIA director made the remarks while addressing around 600 people at the Anti-Defamation League’s 100th annual meeting.
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