Open letter to the citizens of the United States of America

October 20, 2004 by element115
As citizens of the United States of America, who have the power to endorse or to dismiss the policies of the Bush regime, you have a collective responsibility not only unto yourselves, but to the world, which will hold you accountable for your decision.

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Anonymous said...

Geez, man. Calm down. Normally I don't post comments like this, but seriously, dude, chill. From your language, you sound pretty educated, so why focus on only one political regime you don't like when you probably have access to information about others? Why don't US citizens hold *other* countries accountable for the governments *they* pick and the policies *they* enact? If they can hold US citizens "accountable," why not the other way around? That would bring around a massive backlash if people in the US started denouncing the French Headscarf policy en mas, so talk about hypocracy. And why should the world hold the entire US population accountable when a large portion of its citizens didn't vote for the man in power? Maybe taking a step back and looking at the global political crisis we're living in would strengthen this argument.


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