An Israel Accountability Act

April 15, 2006 by element115
Provisions in that document effectively destroy the will of the Palestinian people by undermining the ability of that government to carry forward its responsibilities. Its primary basis seeks from the Hamas government acceptance of the state of Israel, acceptance of agreements made by Israel with the former PLO authority, and cessation of violence against Israel, yet nothing is required of Israel, not acceptance of a Palestine state, not cessation of violence against the Palestinians and not recognition that Israel has broken the very agreements it wants Hamas to accept. The passage of the act makes moot America's purported interest in creating democracies in the mid-east and ensures the continuation of instability for years to come. In short, it appears that the US and Israel intentionally want to maintain a constant condition in the mid-east that will ensure not just the continuation of terror by insurgents and nation states in that area, but a legacy of unending war.
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BananaSlug said...

Israel is not the one blowing up buses full of civilians.
Yes, it's true that some peaceful palestinians were caught in the Israeli attacks, but Hamas is the one that makes it their policy to kill unarmed civilians.

Anonymous said...

no Israel doesn't blow up buses, but fires a rocket from their safe location. when that rocket lands on a school, a house, a mother's home, who dies then?

BananaSlug said...

Did you read my comment?

"Yes, it's true that some peaceful palestinians were caught in the Israeli attacks, but Hamas is the one that makes it their policy to kill unarmed civilians."



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