What You Won't See in Flight 93, the Film

April 28, 2006 by element115
Flight 93 took off at 8:42 that morning, a few minutes before the Flight 11 struck the WTC. It was not hijacked until 9:28. It is simple fact that the FAA, American Airlines and the military knew about the 911 hijacking before Flight 93 took off.
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vanityfaire316 said...

to whom it may concern on that day I recall many people not knowing what was going on and I know that hindsight creates alot of what ifs but on that day I paused and I saw the fiction of movies become real as people died so your careful assumtion that the military knew about flight 93 before hijacked is an insult to the brave people on that plane. A simple fact that was not known or believed until it was ove


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